Dustin Hopkins is the Founder and CEO of Kingside. Imagine running a company like it is a game of chess. Hear Dustin's thoughts on how the game of chess and the game of entrepreneurship are similar and also different as well as his thoughts on AI.
Chess is a finite game, whereas running a business is an infinite game. This conversation goes deep into these two topics as well as Dustin's backstory, his approach to business and leadership, as well as his own expertise and opinions for the use of artificial intelligence and its future.
Watch the full episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMz0N8LWC4&t=2241s
Or listen on Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/burningcedarpodcast/episodes/2---Dustin-Hopkins---Run-Your-Company-Like-A-Game-Of-Chess-e2kjajc